





CALIBAN. All the infections that the sun sucks up
From bogs, fens, flats, on Prosper fall, and make him
By inch-meal a disease! His spirits hear me,
And yet I needs must curse. But they’ll nor pinch,
Fright me with urchin-shows, pitch me i’ the mire,
Nor lead me, like a fire-brand, in the dark
Out of my way, unless he bid ’em; but
For every trifle are they set upon me,
Sometime like apes that mow and chatter at me,
 And after bite me; then like hedgehogs which
Lie tumbling in my barefoot way, and mount
Their pricks at my footfall; sometime am I
All wound with adders, who with cloven tongues
Do hiss me into madness.

(I).What curses does Caliban shower upon Prospero?

Ans: Caliban detests Prospero more than anything. He is terrified of Prospero as last tortured him so as to tame him. In this monologue he doesn't keep down anything. In this way, he reviles Prospero. He wishes that all the contaminations that the sun sucked up from the lowlands, bogs and bogs would fall upon Prospero and taint him inch by inch that he may turn into a 'mobile sickness'. 

(II).Prospero had taught Caliban and good things in life but the latter use foul languages and curses. What does the phenomenon show about the taming wild nature?

Ans: When Prospero and his little girl Miranda were wrecked on the island Caliban invited them. Prospero attempted to tame and instruct him. Notwithstanding, Caliban turned to his actual nature and attempted to assault Miranda. Prospero utilized his spirits to torture him so as to tame him. Caliban's story demonstrates the way that it is hard to tame wild nature. What one acquired by birth will stay with an individual until the end of time. 

(III).How do the spirits like apes and hedge-hogs trouble Caliban?

Ans: Here and there the spirits take the state of porcupines and lie in his way as he strolls shoeless and raise their spines when he strolls on them. Once in a while they seem as though gorillas, make faces and gab at him and chomp him. 

(IV).Where is Caliban? What work is he doing for Prospero? What is he doing for Prospero? What harm is done to Caliban by adders?

Ans: Caliban is on another piece of the island. He is gathering fuel wood for fire. Calibanis injured by addder(snake) who with cloven tongues murmur him into franticness. 

(V).What harm has Prospero done to Caliban due to which he is annoyed with the former?

Ans: Caliban was irritated with Prospero in light of the fact that before the appearance of Prospero on the island Caliban was the proprietor and the leader of the island however now Prospero made him his servant.He made Caliban do all the works like getting kindling and in the event that Caliban resists him, at that point he torments him with the assistance of his spirits.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:

(a) Fright: frighten
(b) trifle: fault


What have we here? a man
 or a fish? dead or alive? A fish, he smells like a fish; a
very ancient and fish-like smell; a kind of, not of the
newest poor-John. A strange fish! Were I in England
now (as once I was) and had but this fish painted, not
a holiday fool there but would give a piece of silver.
 There would this monster make a man; any strange
beast there makes a man. When they will not give a
doit to relieve a lame beggar, they will lay out ten to
see a dead Indian.

(I).Who is Trinculo? From where is he speaking?

Ans: Trinculo is King Alonso's jester. He is speaking from Caliban's cloak as he was under the cloak to save himself from the bad weather.

(II).What is Trinculo looking for? Why?

Ans: Trinculo is searching for hedges and bushes to secure himself against the awful climate as another tempest is probably going to come as he can hear its whistling on the breeze.

(III).What does Trinculo see? What doubts does he have about it?

Ans: Trinculo saw Caliban squatting on the ground. He has questions about Caliban that on the off chance that he is a man or a fish, regardless of whether he is in any condition, Trinculo alludes to him as an unusual fish. 

(IV).What is referred to as 'Poor John'?What would Trinculo do if he were in England?

Ans: Caliban is alluded to as 'Helpless John'. Trinculo says that, on the off chance that he could show this fish to individuals in England,he would have the option to rake in tons of cash. 

(V).Why do people in England develop an interest in strange beasts?

Ans: In England this peculiar beast would be much the same as a man. Any weird mammoth there can be viewed as a man. The men there won't give a penny to a faltering hobo, however they'll pay ten pennies to take a gander at a monstrosity show display. 

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:

(a) doit: a small dutch coin (b) lazy out: give


CALIBAN. The spirit torments me! O!
 STEPHANO. This is some monster of the isle with four
legs, who hath got (as I take it) an ague. Where the
devil should he learn our language? I will give him some
relief, if it be but for that. If I can recover him, and keep
him tame, and get to Naples with him, he’s a present for
 any emperor that ever trod on neat’s-leather.

(I).Where is Caliban? Which spirit torments him?

Ans: Caliban is on another piece of the island. Caliban botches Stephano as a soul as Stephano tortures him. 

(II).Who is the monster with four legs? How come that he has four legs?

Ans: Caliban is the beast with four legs. Trinculo creeps under Caliban's shroud for cover. When Stephano saw Caliban's and Trinculo's legs jutting out from Caliban's shroud, it appeared to Stephano as four legs animal. 

(III).What does Stephano say about him?

Ans: Stephano says him the beast of the island with four legs, who appears to have a throb. He is confounded that how this beast can be relieved of this fever, and how might he return this beast to Naples to introduce it to a sovereign. 

(IV).According to Stephano how will the monster be useful in Naples?

Ans: As indicated by Stephano, the beast will be helpful in Naples as he is fit to be offered as a present to any sovereign whoever wore shoes made of one's cowhide. 

(V).Describe two amusing incidents in the scene and explain how they provide amusement.

Ans: The scene is entertaining, as it very well may be clarified by the accompanying focuses. 1. Caliban botches an individual as a soul. 2. Stephano botches Caliban for a beast similarly as Trinculo has expressed him as fish. Stephano's drunkness makes the scene significantly all the more diverting and thereafter, Caliban additionally becomes inebriated, which includes a feeling of parody in the scene.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:

(a) ague: fever attended by shivering
(b) neat's: hide of an ox


STEPHANO. Four legs and two voices; a most delicate
 monster! His forward voice now is to speak well of his
friend; his backward voice is to utter foul speeches and
to detract. If all the wine in my bottle will recover him, I
will help his ague. Come.
[CALIBAN drinks again.] Amen! I will pour some in thy
 other mouth.
TRINCULO. Stephano!
STEPHANO. Doth thy other mouth call me? Mercy,
mercy! This is a devil, and no monster: I will leave him,
I have no long spoon.

(I).Explain how the monster is a strange creature?

Ans:The beast has four legs and two voices—an exceptionally uncommon beast. One voice talks well and discusses his companion. The other voice is brutal and damaging. 

(II).Why does the forward voice of the monster speak well of his friend and the backward voice use foul speeches?

Ans: The forward voice commends his companion as it is was of Trinculo and the regressive voice was of Caliban who knew nothing other than foul addresses and reviles. 

(III).Explain how Trinculo recognizes Stephano. At this juncture, what does Stephano think of the monster?

Ans: Trinculo perceives the voice of Stephano in light of the fact that he is his companion. Stephano feels this isn't a beast yet a fiend himself since it has two voices and it likewise knows his name. 

(IV).How does Stephano try to cure the ague of the monster? Give the significance if "I have no long spoon".

Ans: Stephano attempts to fix the ague of the beast by giving him alcohol to drink. Stephano now feels that Caliban isn't a beast however a demon himself. As indicated by strange notion, a long spoon could assist a man with keeping fallen angels from himself. 

(V).State how Trinculo and Stephano provide humour in the scene.

Ans: Trinculo gives humor in the scene by expressing Caliban as an abnormal fish and afterward entering his shroud which hoodwinks Stephano and makes him believe that Caliban is a beast with four legs and two voices. In addition, Stephano's drunkness additionally builds humor. 

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:

(a) detract: abuse
(b) recover: bring about his recovery from ague.


TRINCULO. O Stephano, hast any more of this?
STEPHANO. The whole butt, man. My cellar is in a rock
by the sea-side, where my wine is hid. How now, moon-
 calf? how does thine ague?
CALIBAN. Hast thou not dropp’d from heaven?
STEPHANO. Out o’ the moon, I do assure thee. I was the
Man i’ th’ Moon when time was.
CALIBAN. I have seen thee in her, and I do adore thee.
 My mistress show’d me thee, and thy dog, and thy
STEPHANO. Come, swear to that; kiss the book. I will
furnish it anon with new contents. Swear.

(I).What does Trinculo ask for more from Stephano? Where does Stephano keep the substance which Trinculo asks for? What is meant by mooncalf?

Ans: Trinculo requests more wine from Stephano. Stephano says that he has kept an entire sarret, in a croak by the ocean side. Moon's calf implies the beast. 

(II).What does Caliban wonder about Stephano? Why? What is meant by "man in the moon"?

Ans: Caliban ponders about Stephano that whether he is dropped from paradise since he gave him wine, which he has never smashed. "Man in the moon" signifies the mountain on the moon, taking after a man with a lamp, canine, and shrubbery. 

(III).Whom does Caliban call as his mistress? What did she show him?

Ans: Caliban calls his mom Sycorax as a paramour. She demonstrated him a man on the moon with a pooch and a heap of sticks. 

(IV).What is referred to as book in an oath in general? By what does Stephano tell Caliban to swear? What is the humour involved here?

Ans: Bible is alluded to as the book in a promise. Be that as it may, Stephano advises Caliban to depend on alcohol. The diversion required here is that for the most part, individuals depend on the Holy Bible yet Stephano who is himself flushed asks Caliban to depend on alcohol which can't be even contrasted with the Bible. Also, he says"Kiss the book", which means depend on the good book. 

(V).What services of his does Caliban offer to his companion at the end of the scene?

Ans: Caliban offers to show the best springs on the island, he would cull berries for him and get him the best woods. He additionally offers to bring crab apples for Stephano and Caliban likewise says that he would likewise burrow pignuts for him and so forth.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:

(a) butt: barrel
(b) book: battle


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