




ARIEL. On the sixt hour, at which time, my lord,

You said our work should cease.

PROSPERO. I did say so,

When first I raised the tempest. Say, my spirit,

How fares the king and ’s followers?

ARIEL. Confin’d together

In the same fashion as you gave in charge,

Just as you left them; all prisoners, sir,

 In the line-grove which weather-fends your cell;

They cannot boudge till your release. The King,

His brother, and yours, abide all three distracted,

And the remainder mourning over them,

Brimful of sorrow and dismay; but chiefly

 Him that you term’d, sir, “the good old Lord Gonzalo,”

His tears run down his beard like winter’s drops

From eaves of reeds

(I).What does Prospero say so when he first raised the tempest?

(I).What does Prospero 'say so' when he first raised the tempest? Ans: Prospero said that,"By sixth hour(nearly six o'clock) our should would be completed" when he first raised the tempest.

(II).Where are the king and his followers? What does Ariel say about them?

Ans: King and his followers are confined together in same way as Prospero asked him to do. They care onfined to the lime groves, to shield themselves against the bad weather. Ariel says that they can't move until Prospero releases them. King Alonso,his brother and your brother, all three of them are getting insane.The rest are mourning their condition.

(III).Describe the condition of Gonzalo in confinement.

Ans: Gonzalo is unhappy and saddest among all the members. He is in the state of pathetic condition-his tears run down from his beard like icicles from the protruding edge of a roof of thatched cottages.

(IV).Give any two of the character traits of Gonzalo.

Ans: Two character traits of Gonzalo are:
An honest and trusted adviser to King Alonso of Naples, he has a good heart and an optimistic outlook, and is described as noble. For example, when Prospero and his daughter, Miranda, were set adrift at sea, Gonzalo took pity on them, supplying them not only with the food and water necessary to survive but also with those things that make life easier

(V).How does the extract show itself as a piece of good descriptive poetry? Give any two examples of the heightened language.

The imagery of the scene takes dramatic turn in this act.There is no thunder and lightning and violent waves.What we have now is a rainbow through the presence of Iris in the masque.The serenity symbolises the peace that occurs between the vanous characters after a restless existence.At the beginning of the play,the storm had been a symbol of betrayal,revenge and inordinate greed.The rainbow symbolises union,mirth and bliss.Ferdinand realises that the sea is merciful.The rainbow is also a symbol of the re-establishment of the moral order in the world where Prospero regains his dukedom and Caliban his native island.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:

(a) dismay: Pathetic Condition(Concern and Distress)
(b) eaves: the projecting portions of roofs.


Though with their high wrongs I am stroock to th’ quick,

Yet with my nobler reason, ’gainst my fury

Do I take part. The rarer action is

In virtue than in vengeance. They being penitent,

The sole drift of my purpose doth extend

30 Not a frown further. Go release them, Ariel.

My charms I’ll break, their senses I’ll restore,

And they shall be themselves.

(I).Why does Prospero have more feelings for his wrong doers than Ariel?

Ans: Prospero has more feelings for his wrong doers than Ariel because Ariel is a spirit but Prospero being a human like them as sensitive has more feelings than Ariel. Prospero feeling deeply hurted due to the injustice done to him.

(II).Why is Prospero hurt by thinking of his betrayers?

Ans: Prospero is hurt by thinking of his betrayers because he feels deeply hurted due to the injustice done to him. Though Prospero is angry with their evil deeds, he is feeling compassionate about them.

(III).What guides Prospero more in his decision to forgive his offenders? What does he say about it?

Ans: He is more serious about forgiving his offenders because he is angry about their evil deeds. He says that Forgiveness is better than taking revenge.

(IV).What is meant by "the rarer action is In virtue than in vengeance"? If Prospero's focus was not on vengeance, why did he create a storm at the beginning of the play?

Ans: "the rarer action is In virtue than in vengeance" means Forgiveness is better than taking Revenge. He created a storm at the beginning of the play because he wanted to punish the evil doers due to injustice done to him.

(V).In the context of the theme of the play, what does Prospero tell Ariel at the end of his speech?

Ans: Prospero tells Ariel to go and release the king and his followers, he also said that he will end his power of his magic and restore them to their sanity and make them free.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:

(a) struck: deeply hurt
(b) penitent: repentant


ARIEL. I’ll fetch them, sir. Exit.

PROSPERO traces a magic circle with his staff.

PROSPERO. Ye elves of hills, brooks, standing lakes, and


And ye that on the sands with printless foot

 Do chase the ebbing Neptune, and do fly him

When he comes back; you demi-puppets that

By moonshine do the green sour ringlets make,

Whereof the ewe not bites; and you whose pastime

Is to make midnight mushrumps, that rejoice

 To hear the solemn curfew: by whose aid,

(Weak masters though ye be) I have bedimm’d

The noontide sun, call’d forth the mutinous winds,

And ’twixt the green sea and the azur’d vault

Set roaring war

(I).Whom will Ariel fetch? Why?

Ans: Ariel will fetch the king Alonso and his followers because Prospero orders him to go and release them as Prospero is sympathetic and compassionate towards them.

(II).Before Prospero gives up his magic art, he invokes nature spirits. Which spirits did he invoke in the extract? How does he describe the natural phenomenon of rising and ebbing of the sea?

Ans: Before Prospero gives up his magic art, he invokes elves of hills,brookes,standing lakes and groves, He described these natural phenomenon as they have chased ocean waves as they draw down the shore and when these waves came back they ran away.

(III).Who is Neptune? Why is he referred to in the extract ?

Ans: Neptune is the God of the sea, he is referred to in the extract because Prospero talks about the elves who have chased the sea ocean waves.

(IV).Who are demi-puppets? What is said about them in the extract?

Ans: Demi-puppets are the small or tiny creatures who lived in hills, streams, and lakes. It is said about them that they chased the ocean waves and when these waves came back, they ran away, it is also said about them that they light the moon and made fairy rings in the grass, which the sheep refuse to eat

(V).What did Prospero do to the sun and the winds?

Ans: He says that he had managed to darken the sun at noon, caused storm and created waar between the green sea and blue rainbow in the sky.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:

(a) ringlets: circle
(b) mutinous: storm


Set roaring war; to the dread rattling thunder

 Have I given fire, and rifted Jove’s stout oak

With his own bolt; the strong-based promontory

Have I made shake, and by the spurs pluck’d up

The pine and cedar. Graves at my command

Have wak’d their sleepers, op’d, and let ’em forth

 By my so potent art. But this rough magic

I here abjure, and, when I have requir’d

Some heavenly music (which even now I do)

To work mine end upon their senses that

This airy charm is for, I’ll break my staff, 

Bury it certain fathoms in the earth,

And deeper than did ever plummet sound

I’ll drown my book.

(I).Prospero speaks eloquently about the magic art in the extract. What does he say about the thunder and lightning?

Ans: Prospero made lightning as frightening as the rattling thunder,and he has split open the roboust of oak tree with Jupiter thunder Bolt.

(II).How does Prospero show that his magic is powerful in these cases-producing earthquakes, opening graves and uprooting trees?

Ans: Prospero's magic is powerful in producing earthquakes, opening graves and uprooting trees because he made firm-rooted rocks shake with sudden fear, and have uprooted the pine and cedar trees and by his orders, graves have opened waking the ghosts inside and permitting them to come out.

(III).Why does Prospero want some music? Give two instances in the play what role music plays.

Ans: Prospero wants some music because Music is the remedy for healing a troubled mind,cure theirs brains(Antonio,Sebastian and King Alonso),that are incapable of action, and are filled with anger in their head. Two instances in the play where music plays role:
(1)Ariel plays the music to lead Ferdinand to further in the island
(2) Ariel awakens Gonzalo by singing song in his ears.

(IV).What is plummet? Why is it referred to in the extract?

Ans: Plummet is weighted line used for measuring the depth of an ocean the term "fathom" is used. It is referred to in the extract because Prospero wants to sink his magic books deeper than any sailor's plumpline.

(V).Finally, what action does Prospero take before giving up his magic art?

Ans: Prospero wants to break his rod(magic wand) and bury it many fathoms deep in the earth and he will sink his magic books deeper than any sailor's plumpline.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:

(a) abjure: give up
(b) fathoms: Six feets.In measuringthe deapth of an ocean the term "fathom" is used.


O good Gonzalo,

My true preserver, and a loyal sir

 To him you follow’st! I will pay thy graces

Home both in word and deed. Most cruelly

Didst thou, Alonso, use me and my daughter;

Thy brother was a furtherer in the act.

Thou art pinch’d for’t now, Sebastian. Flesh and blood,

 You, brother mine, that entertain’d ambition,

Expell’d remorse and nature, whom, with Sebastian

(Whose inward pinches therefore are most strong),

Would here have kill’d your king, I do forgive thee,

Unnatural though thou art

(I).Who is Gonzalo? Why does Prospero call him,(a) My true preserver(b) a loyal sir to his master?

Ans: Gonzalo is an old counsellor in the court of Antonio. Prospero calls him
(a) my true preserver because when Prospero and his daughter, Miranda, were set adrift at sea, Gonzalo took pity on them, supplying them not only with the food and water necessary to survive but also with those things that make life easier.
:(b) a loyal sir to his master because when Alonso is sad at the supposed lode of his son,Gonzalo console him.

(II).What will Prospero reward Gonzalo?

Ans: Prospero will ensure that Gonzalo is repaid for his kindness, in both words and deeds.

(III).What does Prospero accuse Alonso and Sebastian of? In what way was Alonso involved in Prospero's banishment?

Ans: Prospero accused Alonso of manipulating and banishing him from his kingdom along with his daughter and traeting them with utmost cruelty. Alonso was involved in Prospero's banishment as he helped Antonio in conspiring against Prospero.

(IV). How does Prospero denounce Antonio?

( Ans: Prospero denounces Antonio by saying that Antonio is so greedy for throne and authority that you forgot the natural bond between brothers, and cleverly usurped the throne.

(V).How does Prospero present himself to the accused?

Ans: Prospero forgives Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonio and says that their mind are now beginning to regain their powers.the rising tide of their senses,which is at the moment clouded and unable to function, will soon bring back their power to reason

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:

(a) furtherer: one who promotes a scheme:helper
(b) remorse: drove out


ALONSO. Whe’er thou beest he or no,

Or some enchanted trifle to abuse me

(As late I have been) I not know. Thy pulse

Beats as of flesh and blood; and since I saw thee,

 The affliction of my mind amends, with which

I fear a madness held me. This must crave

(And if this be at all) a most strange story.

Thy dukedom I resign, and do entreat

Thou pardon me my wrongs. But how should Prospero

 Be living, and be here?

(I).State what Prospero has said and done to reveal his old self.

Ans: Prospero assures them that a living person is speaking to them. Prospero embrace them his arms and offer Alonso and his companions a cordial welcome.

(II).What does Alonso say doubting about Prospero's identity?

Ans: Alonso says that “I don't know whether you are really Prospero or some enchanted spirit sent to deceive me,as it has happened of late . Your pulse beats like that of a human being .After seeing you,the illness in my brain which i fear was some kind of madness has improved. And all this requires a strange story to explain -if it in fact is not a dream . I hereby resign from your Dukedom (of m,ilan) . I also beg of you to pardon me all my misdeeds But I would like to know how Prospero living in this place?

(III).After seeing Prospero, what positive signs are seen in Alonso? In this regard what does Alonso wish to be explained?

Ans: After seeing, Prospero the illness in Alonso's brain ,which he fear has improved some kind of madness.He also begged Prospero to parden him for all his misdeeds Alonso wished to be explained about how Prospero is living after such a long time and how did he come to this island.

(IV).How does Alonso regret his wrongdoings to Prospero?

Ans: Alonso regrets his wrongdoings by begging forgiveness and giving the ownership of his kingdom to Prospero by resigning from dukedom(Milan)

(V).What is the main theme of the play? Explain how the main theme of the play is carried out in this scene.

Ans: The main theme of the play is 'Mercy and forgiveness".
The main theme of the play is carried out well in this scene as In this act,Prospero deals with those who have wronged him.He shows them mercy and forgiveness.He forgives both Antonio and Alonso by not exposing their treacherous plot to kill Alonso.He shows mercy to Trinculo and Stephano.Forgiveness by Prospero,however,has different levels.Alonso is forgiven unconditionally;Antonio is rebuked and then forgiven,whereas others are punished before they are forgiven.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:

(a) affliction: disease
(b) crave: demand


SEBASTIAN. [Aside.] The devil speaks in him.


 For you, most wicked sir, whom to call brother

Would even infect my mouth, I do forgive

Thy rankest fault—all of them; and require

My dukedom of thee, which perforce, I know

Thou must restore.

ALONSO. If thou be’st Prospero,

 Give us particulars of thy preservation,

How thou hast met us here, who three hours since

Were wreck’d upon this shore; where I have lost

(How sharp the point of this remembrance is!)

My dear son Ferdinand.

(I).Who has just spoken to Sebastian? Why does Sebastian say "The devil speaks in him"?

Ans: Prospero has just spoken to Sebastian. He said "The devil speaks in him" because Prospero just said that Antonio and Sebastian are the biggest sinners and if he wanted he could punish them, listening this Sebastian says "The devil speaks in him".

(II).Name the"most wicked sir".How can you conclude from the extract that he was wicked?

Ans: The "most wicked sir" is Antonio. It can be concluded from the extract that he was wicked as Prospero Says "My flesh and blood -you,brother of mine -entertained ambition and drove out the natural feeling of affection,with Sebastian".

(III).What does Prospero request the most wicked sir to do?

Ans: Prospero requests Antonio to recognise his right to claim his dukedom Milan.

(IV).Why did Alonso doubt about the identity of Prospero? What loss did the former suffer in the storm?

Ans: Prospero was banished from his kingdom(Milan)around 12 years ago, so Alonso doubts how he managed to live on this island so long, healthy and wisely. Alonso lost his son(Ferdinand) in the wild storm.

(V).What does Prospero say about his own loss and how he has borne the loss?

Ans: Prospero says that his loss is recent and silimar to Alonso's loss that is he had lost his daughter Miranda.He has borne his loss by giving his daughter to Miranda.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:

(a) infect: defile
(b) restore: restore kingdom


No more yet of this,

For ’tis a chronicle of day by day,

Not a relation for a breakfast, nor

 Befitting this first meeting. Welcome, sir;

This cell’s my court. Here have I few attendants,

And subjects none abroad: pray you, look in.

My dukedom since you have given me again,

I will requite you with as good a thing,

 At least bring forth a wonder, to content ye

As much as me my dukedom.

(I).Where does this scene take place? Who are present at the scene?

Ans: This scene takes place "Before Prospero's Cell". King Alonso,his brother Sebastian,Antonio,Gonzalo,Ariel and Prospero are present in this scene.

(II).Just before this extract, what has Prospero said about the inconvenience suffered by some of the lords?

Ans: Prospero said about the inconvenience suffered by these lords are so wonder-struck st this encounter that they lost their sense to reason. They can hardly believe what they see and here

(III).Why doesn't Prospero want to go in detail about the recent events?

Ans: Prospero doesn't want to go in detail about the recent events because it is chronicle and it is not a story which cannot be told at breakfast or at the very first meeting and moreover, the lords are also not in their senses.

(IV).What does Prospero say about his present court?

Ans: Prospero says about his present court that this cell is his royal court and he has a few attendants here and he has no subjects in the outside world.

(V).Prospero regains his dukedom. What surprise present does he give to Alonso in return?

Ans: In return Prospero create a miracle by showing him his son Ferdinand, who was alive and was playing chess with Miranda.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:

(a) chronicle: a story related from day today
(b) requite: repay


GONZALO. Was Milan thrust from Milan, that his issue

Should become kings of Naples? O, rejoice

Beyond a common joy, and set it down

With gold on lasting pillars: in one voyage

Did Claribel her husband find at Tunis,

 And Ferdinand her brother, found a wife

Where he himself was lost; Prospero his dukedom

In a poor isle; and all of us, ourselves,

When no man was his own.


your hands.

Let grief and sorrow still embrace his heart

 That doth not wish you joy!

GONZALO. Be it so, amen!

(I).Give the meaning and implication of these lines: How was Milan thrust from Milan, that his issue Should become king of Naples?

Ans: The meaning and implication of these lines tells us about Gonzalo's question, "Was the duke of Milan thrown out of his kingdom so that his successor, could become the rulers of Naples"?

(II).Briefly narrate how Prospero got back his dukedom?

Ans: While his long staying in that island he studied his magic spells and he became a powerful wizard. He was seeking for opportunities so when the lords man were returning from their journey from Tunis he asked "Ariel" to create a tempest but in these storm none of the people or lords man should get harm. So after the tempest he separated each of the member into groups and started started his journey to restore his dukedom and to make them repent for their doings. He separated Alonso from Ferdinand as to make his feel repent but at last when he sees his child Ferdinand back then he gave his dukedom back and he accepted Prospero's daughter Miranda as her queen ,he forgive his brother Antonio and all went back to Naples and led a happy life.

(III).Explain how Claribel got her husband at Tunis. Why were many opposed to her marriage to the king of Tunis? How did they plead against the marriage?

Ans: Claribel has married a king, but Sebastian defines him by his race, the audience is also reminded that high status women were regarded as possessions to be married off by their families for financial and political reasons. Claribel, according to her uncle, Sebastian, did not want to marry the King of Tunis but did so out of duty to her father. True or not, high-status women had little control over their marriage prospects and their life in general. People were opposed and against Claribel's marriage to the king of Tunis because Tunis was far away from France due to which Claribel could not meet his father and Alonso has lost his son Ferdinand while returning from tunics.

(IV).Where was Ferdinand? State how he got a wife.

Ans: Ferdinand was in Prospero's Cell playing chess with Miranda. He got his wife when Ferdinand and Miranda saw each other for the first time, and fall in love with each other. Later on, Prospero gave him many menial tasks which Ferdinand passed and got Miranda as her wife.

(V).How does the passage show that the play has a happy ending?

Ans: At the happy ending of the Tempest, Prospero brings the kind back togehter with his son, and finds Miranda's true love and punishes the bad duke and frees Ariel and becomes a duke himself again. Everyone - except Caliban - is happy, and everyone is forgiven, and everyone is fine, and they all sail away on calm seas. Happy endings. That's how it is in Shakespeare.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:

(a) thrust: driven
(b) issue: offspring,chils


BOATSWAIN. If I did think, sir, I were well awake,

 I’ld strive to tell you. We were dead of sleep,

And (how we know not) all clapp’d under hatches,

Where, but even now, with strange and several noises

Of roaring, shrieking, howling, jingling chains,

And moe diversity of sounds, all horrible,

 We were awak’d; straightway, at liberty;

Where we, in all her trim, freshly beheld

 Our royal, good, and gallant ship; our master

Cap’ring to eye her. On a trice, so please you,

Even in a dream, were we divided from them,

 And were brought moping hither.


(I).Which strange events is Alonso referring to? How do they become strange to a stranger?

Ans: Alonso is alluding to all the occasions which he saw a little while ago, first he saw Prospero who pardons him, at that point he discovered his lost child who was alive and was frantically enamored with a young lady, called Miranda. These episodes seemed odd to Alonso and it turned out to be a lot more unusual when he sees Boatswain. 


(II).Where was the boatswain? Explain how he has reached the cell of Prospero.

Ans: Boatswain was snoozing in the deck beneath, he says that he heard abnormal commotions due which he waked up and in a moment, he was brought to Prospero's home by Ariel. 


(III).State what has awakened the boatswain. Who else was with him?

Ans: Strange clamors of thundering, yelling and shuffling stirred boatswain. Sailors are alongside him. 


(IV).What did the boatswain see? How did his companion react then? Why?

Ans: Boatswain saw their gallant boat, seeing this all his buddy got glad and his lord moved in euphoria in light of the fact that their boat was in the ideal circumstance and now they can securely return to their home ground. 


(V).How did Prospero appreciate, in this context, Ariel's work?

Ans: In this specific situation, when Ariel asked Prospero whether he carried out his responsibility of bringing boatswain legitimately, Prospero answered Ariel by valuing his work by saying that "Truly, my little soul you did it consummately and you will before long get your opportunity"

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:

(a) clapped: thrown as prisoners
(b) Capering: dancing merrily


PROSPERO. Sir, my liege,

Do not infest your mind with beating on

The strangeness of this business. At pick’d leisure,

Which shall be shortly, single I’ll resolve you

 (Which to you shall seem probable) of every

These happen’d accidents; till when, be cheerful

And think of each thing well. [Aside to ARIEL.] Come

hither, spirit.

Set Caliban and his companions free;

Untie the spell. [Exit ARIEL.] How fares my gracious sir?

 There are yet missing of your company

Some few odd lads that you remember not.


their stol’n apparel.


(I).To whom is Prospero speaking? Why?

Ans: Prospero is addressing Alonso, as he is upset and astonished by observing the abnormal occasions. He attempts to reassure Alonso by saying that don't burn through your time fixating on the weirdness of the occasion, as he himself will clarify all the reasons when the time happens. 


(II).What is the strangeness of this business? Why does Prospero tell he person addressed not to bother about the strangeness of this business?

Ans: Strangeness of his business is the unusual occasions that occurred unexpectedly, for example, Prospero's generous to Alonso. Antonio and Sebastian, a gathering of Ferdinand and Alonso, Ferdinand's affection with Miranda. Prospero advises Alonso not to burn through your time fixating on the bizarreness of occasions, as he himself will clarify all the reasons when the time happens up to that point he requests that Alonso be merry and liberal. 


(III).Who are the companions of Caliban? Why are they(together with Caliban) to be brought before Prospero?

Ans: Companions of Caliban are Stephano and Trinculo, they are along with Caliban as they wanted to kill Prospero, yet Prospero tortures them and they fled. 


(IV).How were the conspirators who were against Alonso, punished earlier?

Ans: They were tortured by Ariel looking like a shrew as it presented to them a meal of food that vanished as they were going to have it. At the point when they attracted out their blades to execute wench, Ariel made their blades substantial 


(V).What kind of garments are Caliban's companion wearing? From where did they get the garments?

Ans: Caliban and his buddies were wearing sparkling pieces of clothing. They got these pieces of clothing from Prospero's closet.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:

(a) infest: trouble
(b) spell: magic


PROSPERO. Sir, I invite your Highness and your train

To my poor cell, where you shall take your rest

For this one night; which, part of it, I’ll waste

With such discourse as, I not doubt, shall make it

 Go quick away—the story of my life,

And the particular accidents gone by

Since I came to this isle. And in the morn

I’ll bring you to your ship and so to Naples,

Where I have hope to see the nuptial50

 Of these our dear-beloved solemnized,

And thence retire me to my Milan, where

Every third thought shall be my grave.

(I).Where is Prospero? Whom does he welcome?

Ans: Prospero is at his cell. He welcomes Alonso and his attendants in his cell so that they can rest and sleep tonight, and the next day they will leave for Naples.


(II).What discourse is Prospero going to make?

Ans: Prospero is to talk a night story that will sit back rapidly, he will portray a mind-blowing narrative and everything that occurred since he previously showed up on this island. He additionally says that they will leave for Naples in the first part of the day. 

(III).What was the strength of Prospero when he was on the island? Who were his helpers? Describe any two incidents from the play in which Prospero created wonders.

Ans: Prospero was a man who knew enchantment, and with his mystical forces he caught this island from Caliban and made him his slave for doing humble undertakings, he additionally made Ariel his slave, which helped him most in all plans and tasks. Gonzalo was his assistant who helped him during his expulsion by giving him some essential necessities, including his books. Two episodes in which Prospero made marvels are: 1.When he misleadingly made a tremendous storm and wreck in the ocean. 2.When he made a deceptive meal for Alonso, Antonio, Sebastian, and Gonzalo. 


(IV).Why does Prospero intend to go to Naples? What else does he want to do finally?

Ans: Prospero means to go to Naples since he plans to see the wedding of his two darling kids in Naples, lastly he needs to resign to Milan, where he will spend the remainder of his outstanding life sitting tight for his passing.


(V).How has Prospero tested the character of Ferdinand? Why?

Ans: Ferdinand was frantically enamored with Prospero's little girl Miranda, yet Prospero didn't need her little girl to be a victor by somebody so without any problem. In this way, Prospero gives him different errands so as to demonstrate his capacity and genuine affection towards Miranda, and later on, Ferdinand finishes the assessment and Prospero acknowledges him as his child in-law.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:

(a) train: attendants
(b) grave: Death


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