





This my mean task
 Would be as heavy to me as odious, but
The mistress which I serve quickens what’s dead,
And makes my labors pleasures. O, she is
Ten times more gentle than her father’s crabbed;
And he’s compos’d of harshness. I must remove
 Some thousands of these logs, and pile them up,
Upon a sore injunction. My sweet mistress
Weeps when she sees me work, and says such baseness
Had never like executor. I forget;
But these sweet thoughts do even refresh my labors,
 Most busil’est, when I do it.

(I).What is meant by the 'mean task'? Why was it heavy and odious? Why was such a task given to him?
Ans: Mean Task referred to the work of carrying thousands of logs of woods and pile them up by Ferdinand till sunset. It is heavy and odious work because it was the work of labor and it was a hateful work for King's son. Such a task was given to him in order to show his love towards Miranda.

(II).What is the attitude of his mistress to the work? How does she react when he seems him working?
Ans: The attitude of his mistress to the work is that she weeps when she sees doing the task. She tells him that such hard work had never before done by anyone so noble as Ferdinand.

(III). With whom is she compared? What is the outcome of the comparison?
Ans: Miranda(she)is compared to many ladies who are attracted by their virtes but never overcome by love amd always found some defect in every lady and that deect nullified their good qualities.The outcome of the comparison is that Miranda have best virtues of all the women because she was perfect.

(IV).Prospero wants to join two hostile families through this romantic plot. What theme is highlighted through the love story?
Ans: The theme of love and reconciliation has been highlighted through a love story. He intentionally allows Miranda and Ferdinand to fall in love so that later he may be able to join two hostiles.

(V).Briefly explain the character of Ferdinand in this scene?
Ans: Ferdinand is given the task of carrying logs of wood-something which Prospero had continually ordered Caliban to do.Ferdinand's first reaction to it is to resist;but this quickly changes into meek submission.This is done to show his love for Miranda.The heir-apparent to the throne of Naples,happily submits himself to the most menial of works to prove his love.It is necessary for Ferdinand to show discipline,hard work and humility as his character traits to convince Prospero to give his daughter in marriage to him.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:
(a) odious :hateful
(b) injunction: punishment


MIRANDA. I do not know
One of my sex; no woman’s face remember,
 Save, from my glass, mine own; nor have I seen
More that I may call men than you, good friend,
And my dear father. How features are abroad
I am skilless of; but, by my modesty
(The jewel in my dower), I would not wish
Any companion in the world but you;
Nor can imagination form a shape,
Besides yourself, to like of. But I prattle
Something too wildly, and my father’s precepts
I therein do forget.

(I).Why couldn't Miranda see the faces of many people in her life?
Ans: Miranda could not see many faces of people in her life because she was only three years when she was brought up to the island and there was no human being expect her father and Caliban.

(II).How has Ferdinand declared his love for Miranda and how does she responds to it.
Ans: Ferdinand declared his love by saying that the very instant he saw her ,his heart flew towards her service .there his heart resides to make him a slve in her services. On this Miranda responded saying that you are the first man she had seen expect her father and ugly Caliban and starts weeping out of love.

(III).What opinion do you form of Miranda from her speech?
Ans: Miranda is a modest girl.She never made proud of her qualities ,which is the rearest!.

(IV).Who is the architect of this romantic story? Why is the story introduced in the play?
Ans: The architect of this romantic play is Prospero. The story is introduced in the play because the subplot of love between Miranda and Ferdinand is vital for the main plot lead to the reconciliation of the two hostile families.

(V).Why do most of the actions in the play take place on an isolated island?
Ans: Most of the actions take place on an isolated island so that "The Tempest" cause by Prospero in the sea made Alonso,Antonio and other companion to come to that island and relise there fault of banishing Prospero and his daughter from Milan.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:
(a) dower: inheritance
(b) prattle: to talk heedlessly


FERDINAND. Wherefore weep you?
MIRANDA. At mine unworthiness, that dare not offer
What I desire to give; and much less take
What I shall die to want. But this is trifling,
 And all the more it seeks to hide itself,
The bigger bulk it shows. Hence, bashful cunning,
And prompt me, plain and holy innocence!
I am your wife, if you will marry me;
If not, I’ll die your maid. To be your fellow
 You may deny me, but I’ll be your servant,
Whether you will or no.

(I).Why does Miranda weep?
Ans: Miranda weeps at the inability to give Ferdinand what she wished to offer and to take something, without which she'll die.

(II).What is referred to as this trifling? What is said about it in the extract? How is bashful cunning is opposed to holy innocence?
Ans: Idle talk is referred to as trifling. It is said by Miranda that more she tries to hide her love more it is revealed down with the cunning display of bashfulness, letting Miranda's simple and scared innocence be her aid.

(III).How determined is Miranda in her love for Ferdinand? Give evidence to support your answer.
Ans: Miranda is completely determined in her love with Ferdinand, as she says ,"I am your wife ,if you are willing to marry me.if you do not ,I will die as maiden.If you refuse to marry me, I will be your servant whether you want me or not. "

(IV).How do Ferdinand and Miranda profess their love for each other?
Ans: Ferdinand declared his love by saying that the very instant he saw her ,his heart flew towards her service .there his heart resides to make him a slve in her services. On this Miranda responded saying that you are the first man she had seen expect her father and ugly Caliban and starts weeping out of love

(V).Where was Prospero during the profession of love? What did he say expressing his feelings at the end of the scene?
Ans: Prospero was hidden behind and was listening to the talks of two young lovers during the profession of love. He said that he is glad at this love affair of two lovers. Besides the love they have a thrill of surprise at unexpected development, nothing gives him more joy than Ferdinand and Miranda's love.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:
(b) bashful: shy


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