






GONZALO. Beseech you, sir, be merry; you have cause
(So have we all) of joy; for our escape
Is much beyond our loss. Our hint of woe
Is common: every day some sailor’s wife,
 The masters of some merchant, and the merchant
Have just our theme of woe; but for the miracle
(I mean our preservation), few in millions
Can speak like us. Then wisely, good sir, weigh
Our sorrow with our comfort.
ALONSO. Prithee, peace.
 SEBASTIAN. He receives comfort like cold porridge

(I).Where does this scene take place? To whom is Gonzalo speaking? Why is Gonzalo speaking to him? 

ANS: The scene happens on Another piece of island. Gonzalo is addressing Alonso . Gonzalo is addressing Alonso so as to brighten him up by disclosing to him that they are sufficiently fortunate to be spared. Alonso is dismal due to the alleged passing of his child, Ferdinand. 

(II). Gonzalo says that the person spoken to has cause to be merry. What cause does the person have to be merry? 

ANS: Gonzalo says that the individual verbally expressed has cause to be cheerful in light of the fact that the benefit of their departure from death is over their misfortunes. 

(III).What examples does Gonzalo give to show that suffering is common in the world? 

ANS: Gonzalo, so as to give the instances of enduring in the normal world says that consistently some mariner spouse, or proprietor of a dealer transport or the shipper who claims the freight transport experience a similar kind of misfortune which are endured by everybody in this basic world. 

(IV).Why does Gonzalo say few in millions Can speak like us"? 

ANS:  Gonzalo says not many in millions can talk like us, to make Alonso glad and acknowledge him that he is one of those individuals who has been spared from such an incensed tempest. 

(V).According to Sebastian how does the person spoken to accept Gonzalo's word of comfort? 

ANS: As per Sebastian, the individual addressed acknowledge Gonzalo's assertion of solace as Sebastian says that, Alonso makes the most of Gonzalo's uplifting statements as much as chilly porridge.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:

(a) Beseech: request
 (b) beyond: above 


SEBASTIAN. ’Twas a sweet marriage, and we prosper well
in our return.
ADRIAN. Tunis was never grac’d before with such a
 paragon to their queen.
GONZALO. Not since widow Dido’s time.
ANTONIO. Widow! a pox o’ that! How came that
widow in? Widow Dido!
SEBASTIAN. What if he had said “widower Aeneas”
 too? Good Lord, how you take it!
 ADRIAN. “Widow Dido,” said you? You make me study
of that. She was of Carthage, not of Tunis.
GONZALO. This Tunis, sir, was Carthage.

(I).Whose marriage is referred to in the extract? What is meant by, "prosper well" .State how well the marriage party prospered in their return.

ANS: The marriage of Claribel's (girl of Alonso) to the King of Tunis is alluded to in this concentrate. "thrive well" signifies all travelers on transport were progressing nicely. While returning they confronted a gigantic tempest from Tunis. 

(II).What is said about the bride in the extract? 

ANS: Claribel is ladies of incredible excellence similarly as Dido was and even the Tunis was never honored with such a wonderful sovereign. 

(III).State who was widow Dido and widower Aeneas? 

ANS: As per old great folklore Dido was the sovereign of Carthage. Aeneas was a warrior and pioneer. The two of them went gaga for one another. 

(IV).Why is Antonio annoyed at the name of widow Dido in the context? 

ANS: Antonio is irritated at the name of widow Dido since he was discussing Claribel and Gonzalo put the name of widow Dido. 

(V). Explain the allusion in the context of widow Dido. Why is Dido called a widow? 

ANS: Dido was the sovereign of the Carthage. She went gaga for Aeneas, a warrior and voyager. Be that as it may, later Aeneas left the island which he was visting throughout his journeys. Dido is here called a widow since she was neglected by her darling Aeneas.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage: 

(a) graced: blessed
 (b) paragon: person of matchless qualities. 


ALONSO. You cram these words into mine ears against
The stomach of my sense. Would I had never
Married my daughter there! For, coming thence,
 My son is lost and (in my rate) she too,
Who is so far from Italy removed
I ne’er again shall see her. O thou mine heir
Of Naples and of Milan, what strange fish
Hath made his meal on thee?
FRANCISCO. Sir, he may live.
 I saw him beat the surges under him,
And ride upon their backs. He trod the water

(I).To whom is Alonso speaking? What does he want to say by the following?
 You cram these words into mine ears against The stomach of my sense 

ANS:Alonso is addressing Gonzalo. He needs to state by the accompanying that Gonzalo's words, push into his ears, In certainty his words conflict with his grain.

(II).To whom is Alonso's daughter married? Why does he now regret saying that he would not have been given his daughter in marriage there? 

ANS: Alonso's little girl is hitched to the King of Tunis. He laments saying that he would not have been given his little girl in marriage on the grounds that while coming back from Tunis he lost his child and lost his girl too as she is far away from Italy that he will never observe her again.

(III).What inconvenience was caused to Alonso for having married his daughter far away? 

ANS: The bother is that Alonso will always be unable to meet her little girl since she is living so distant from Italy, so he may not see her once more. And keeping in mind that returning he additionally lost his child in wreck.

(IV).How does Alonso's son become the heir to the kingdom of Naples and Milan? Name two negative and two positive characters in this scene. 

ANS: As Alonso's little girl is hitched far away from Italy, so Alonso won't see her once more, at end Ferdinand may be the beneficiary to the seat of the realm. Two negative characters in this scene are Antonio and Sebastian, while two positive characters are Gonzalo and Francisco.

(V).What explanation does Francisco give to show that Alonso's son may be alive? 

ANS: Francisco clarifies Alonso by saying that his child Ferdinand might be alive on the grounds that he(Francisco) had seen him battling against water and solid waves, driving himself to the shores for sparing his life.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage: 

(a) cram: thrust
 (b) surges: waves 


GONZALO. I’ th’ commonwealth I would, by
Execute all things; for no kind of traffic
 Would I admit; no name of magistrate;
Letters should not be known; riches, poverty,
And use of service, none; contract, succession,
Bourn, bound of land, tilth, vineyard, none;
No use of metal, corn, or wine, or oil;
 No occupation, all men idle, all;
And women too, but innocent and pure;
No sovereignty—
SEBASTIAN. Yet he would be king on’t.
ANTONIO. The latter end of his commonwealth forgets
the beginning.

(I).Why does Gonzalo present his idea of the commonwealth? 

ANS: Gonzalo presents the possibility of the ward as he commends the climate and excellence of the island while turning into the lord of this island. 

(II).Briefly give the salient features of Gonzalo's Commonwealth. 

ANS: The striking highlights of Gonzalo's district were that he would keep his state totally savage with no cash, business, learning laws, hirelings, aces, cultivating, work, innovation, and no weapons. There will be no work, and men would do nothing by any means.

(III).Give evidence from the extract to show that Shakespeare had a fairly good knowledge of the law.

ANS: While introducing the possibility of the ward, Gonzalo says that there will be no appointed authorities and court. This shows Shakespeare had a genuinely decent information on the law.

(IV).Give any three examples of inconsistencies in the theory of the commonwealth of Gonzalo. 

ANS: Instances of irregularities in the hypothesis of district are that in the beginning of Gonzalo's discourse he said that-in his realm, there will be no lord ar duke, yet now toward the finish of his discourse, he says that he might want to be the ruler of such an island. Prior he said that all individuals in his realm will be equivalent, and at long last, he needs to turn into the ruler of the island. This shows irregularities in Gonzalo's republic.

(V).What do Sebastian and Antonio say about Gonzalo's theory of the commonwealth?

ANS: Sebastian and Antonio ridicule Gonzalo's region hypothesis by saying that "Prior, you said that there would be no lord, and now you are stating that you will be the ruler of this island", they ridicule Gonzalo's inconsistence as Gonzalo said before that all individuals will be equivalent yet now he said that he will be the lord of this island, so how is it reasonable for everybody?

(VI) Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage

(a) contraries: opposite
 (b) Execute: perform 


SEBASTIAN. Yet he would be king on’t.
ANTONIO. The latter end of his commonwealth forgets
the beginning.
 GONZALO. All things in common nature should Produce
Without sweat or endeavor: treason, felony,
Sword, pike, knife, gun, or need of any engine,
Would I not have; but nature should bring forth,
Of its own kind, all foison, all abundance,
 To feed my innocent people.
SEBASTIAN. No marrying ’mong his subjects?
ANTONIO. None, man; all idle—whores and knaves.
GONZALO. I would with such perfection govern, sir,
T’ excel the golden age.

(I).What has Gonzalo just said, that makes Sebastian say, "Yet, he would be king on it"?

ANS: Gonzalo simply stated that during his commonwealth, he could accomplish all matters executed, there will be no training, no wealthy no poverty, and so on. This makes Sebastian say "Yet, he would be king on it", stating that you would like to be the king of this type of state?

(II).What is the idea of the commonwealth on (a) equality among people and(b) marriages? 

ANS: On equality among human beings was that there can be no management, no kingship and additionally there can be no marriages.

(III).Explain how Gonzalo's commonwealth is a satire on communism and socialism.

ANS: Gonzalo's commonwealth is a satire on communism and socialism because he says that there will be no exchange, no services, and all guys will be idle.

(IV).How far is the idea of the commonwealth relevant in the modern world? Give two examples to support your opinion. 

ANS:The idea of Gonzalo's commonwealth isn't always relevant because, in present day international, an financial system is administered by using change and services of which Gonzalo is in opposition to.

(V).Give a brief character sketch of Gonzalo. 

ANS: Gonzalo is an old counsellor in Alonso's courtroom, he's a noble and humble guy who's loyal in his work.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage: 

(a) treason: betrayal
 (b) foison: plantry 


SEBASTIAN. What a strange drowsiness possesses them!
ANTONIO. It is the quality o’ th’ climate.
Doth it not then our eyelids sink? I find not
Myself dispos’d to sleep.
ANTONIO. Nor I, my spirits are nimble.
They fell together all, as by consent;
 They dropp’d, as by a thunder-stroke. What might.
Worthy Sebastian, O, what might—? No more—
And yet methinks I see it in thy face,
What thou shouldst be. Th’ occasion speaks thee, and
My strong imagination sees a crown
Dropping upon thy head.

(I).Why has such strange drowsiness possessed them? Who is referred to as 'them'? 

ANS: Such bizarre drowsiness had possessed them due to the fact they are feeling tired and sleepy after on foot any such long distance looking for Ferdinand. Alonso and Gonzalo are called 'them'. 

(II).Who is Antonio? What did he do to bring about the present condition of Prospero?

ANS: Antonio is the more youthful brother of Prospero. He cleverly usurped the throne of Milan from Prospero by using banishing him from the dominion in a small rotten boat.

(III).What plot Antonio and Sebastian were hatching? 

ANS: Antonio and Sebastian were hatching the plot to homicide Alonso and Gonzalo while they were napping.

(IV).What does Antonio convince Sebastian to do? In this context, what does Antonio himself intend to do? 

ANS: Antonio convinces Sebastian to murder Alonso, whereas Antonio himself intends to kill Alonso, at the same time as Sebastian could kill Gonzalo.

(V).How does Antonio prepare Sebastian for his plot against Alonso? 

ANS: Antonio prepares Sebastian with the aid of scary and announcing him that "possibility is knocking your door, and my creativeness is seeing a crown coming to rest in your head. So, be organized to turn out to be the king of Naples once we kill Alonso".

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:

(a) sink: go down
 (b) nimble: agile 


 If you but knew how you the purpose cherish
Whiles thus you mock it! how, in stripping it,
You more invest it! Ebbing men, indeed,
Most often, do so near the bottom run
By their own fear or sloth.
SEBASTIAN. Prithee say on.
 The setting of thine eye and cheek proclaim
A matter from thee; and a birth, indeed
Which throes thee much to yield.
ANTONIO. Thus, sir:
Although this lord of weak remembrance, this
Who shall be of as little memory
 When he is earth’d, hath here almost persuaded
(For he’s a spirit of persuasion, only
Professes to persuade) the King his son’s alive,

(I).What does Antonio want to advise Sebastian?

ANS:Antonio advises Sebastian to be brave and find the proper possibility to kill Alonso and grow to be the king of Naples, wondering Ferdinand is drowned and Claribel is far far from Italy. 

(II).What does Antonio wonder about the attitude of Sebastian? 

ANS: Antonio wondered approximately the mind-set of Sebastian that he isn't always assured, and courageous sufficient to cover his desire from all and sundry.

(III).Who is the lord of weak remembrance? What does Antonio say about him? 

ANS: The lord of susceptible remembrance is Gonzalo. Antonio says approximately him that he is the person who may be forgotten while he's is lifeless and buried.

(IV).Who are known as "ebbing men"? What harm does fear or sloth do to an ambitious man? How is Gonzalo a possible obstruction in Antonio's plot to get rid of Alonso?

ANS: "Ebbing men" approach the person who sinks to the bottom and fails in his existence. Fear on sloth makes an ambitious guy very low and distracts the attention of the person from finishing his work. Gonzalo is a probable obstruction in Antonio's plot because he had a devoted nature closer to absolutely everyone and Alonso, that is an obstruction in Antonio's plot.

(V).How does Antonio show himself as a crafty tempter? 

ANS: Antonio suggests himself as a cunning tempter through encouraging Sebastian to murder Alonso and be the King of Naples.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:

(a) sloth: laziness
 (b) throes: labour pain 


ANTONIO. She that is Queen of Tunis; she that dwells
Ten leagues beyond man’s life; she that from Naples
Can have no note, unless the sun were post—
 The Man i’ the Moon’s too slow—till new-born chins
Be rough and razorable; she that from whom
We all were sea-swallow’d, though some cast again
(And by that destiny) to perform an act
Whereof what’s past is prologue, what to come
 In yours and my discharge

(I).How does Claribel become the queen of Tunis?

ANS: Claribel became the queen of Tunis as she was married to the king the Tunis. 

(II).What plan is being talked about between Antonio and Sebastian? If their plan is carried out how will Antonio and Sebastian benefit? 

ANS: Antonio and Sebastian are talking about the plot to execute Alonso and Gonzalo. On the off chance that their arrangement will be completed effectively, at that point Sebastian would turn into the lord of Naples and Antonio will get liberated from paying yearly assessments to Alonso.

(III).How does Antonio explain that Naples is far away from Milan? What is meant by "unless the sun were post he man i'-the moon's too slow-"

ANS: Antonio clarifies that Naples is so distant from Milan by saying that, Claribel who is currently the sovereign of Tunis lives thirty miles farther than a lifetime's excursion from Italy. "except if the sun were post-The man I'- the moon's too moderate " implies that, Claribel is living so distant from Italy, that she wouldn't get the letter from Italy except if it is sent by the light of the sun since people are excessively delayed for that.

(IV).What did Alonso say earlier that Claribel's marriage to the King of Tunis was not a wise decision? 

ANS: Alonso prior said that Claribel's union with King of Tunis was not an astute choice since, it was only because of coming back from Claribel's marriage that they experienced the brutal tempest and besides Claribel was living so distant from Italy that she was unable to try and meet with Alonso.

(V).Towards the end of the extract, what does Antonio request Sebastian to do? 

ANS: Towards the finish of the concentrate, Antonio demands Sebastian to be gallant and locate the perfect time and chance to kill Alonso.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage: 

(a) razorable: able to be shaved
 (b) prologue: the opening of a story 


ANTONIO. A space whose ev’ry cubit
Seems to cry out, “How shall that Claribel
 Measure us back to Naples? Keep in Tunis,
And let Sebastian wake.” Say, this were death
That now hath seiz’d them, why, they were no worse
Than now they are. There be that can rule Naples
As well as he that sleeps; lords that can prate
 As amply and unnecessarily
As this Gonzalo; I myself could make
A chough of as deep chat. O that you bore
The mind that I do! What a sleep were this
For your advancement! Do you understand me?

(I).Which space is referred to in the extract? What is said that even if they used the sun and the moon, the distance cannot be covered easily?

ANS: The separation among Italy and Tunis is alluded to as space. It is being said that she can't get news from Naples except if the sun and moon goes about as a delivery person, since it's practically unthinkable for individuals as they are excessively moderate.

(II).As far as the heir to the kingdom of Naples is concerned what inconvenience would be faced by Caribel in the future? 

ANS: To the extent the beneficiary to the realm of Naples is concerned, Claribel is a distant from Italy and each yard of it seems to demonstrate a significant distance, so it seems, by all accounts, to be hard for her to be the beneficiary of the seat in Naples.

(III).What sleep is referred to in the extract? In what way is the sleep helpful for Sebastian's advancement? 

ANS: The rest alluded to in the concentrate is the rest of Alonso and other regal individuals. This rest is useful for Sebastian's progression as it will be simple for him to carry on his plot.

(IV).According to Antonio, what has to be done? By whom? What becomes of the past as far as the present action is concerned? 

ANS: As indicated by Antonio, Alonso must be slaughtered. Previously, Antonio sold out his sibling Prospero and turned into the duke of Milan, and in present he is plotting and persuading Sebastian to deceive Alonso and become the ruler of Naples.

(V).Give any two arguments put forward in the scene by Antonio to convince Sebastian to join the conspiracy against Alonso. 

ANS: The two contentions set forward in the scene by Antonio to persuade Sebastian to join the intrigue against Alonso are: 1. He incites Sebastian by briding him that on the off chance that they murder Alonso than you(Sebastian) can turn into the ruler of Naples. 2. He gets ready Sebastian by saying that these resting men are an unmatched chance to slaughter Alonso and Gonzalo.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage: 

(a) seized: sealed
 (b) prate: talk 


SEBASTIAN. But, for your conscience?
ANTONIO. Ay, sir; where lies that? if ’twere a kibe,’
’Twould put me to my slipper; but I feel not
This deity in my bosom. Twenty consciences,
 That stand ’twixt me and Milan, candied be they,
And melt ere they molest! Here lies your brother,
No better than the earth he lies upon,
If he were that which now he’s like—that’s dead;
Whom I, with this obedient steel, three inches of it,
 Can lay to bed for ever; whiles you, doing thus,
To the perpetual wink for aye might put
This ancient morsel, this Sir Prudence, who
Should not upbraid our course.

(I).What does Antonio say about the conscience preventing Sebastian from carrying out the resolve? 

ANS: Antonio encourages Sebastian not to feel any regretful soul as "I won't feel any remorseful regardless of whether there were twenty feelings of remorse remaining between me my dukedom of Milan, I would have consolidated them like confections and soften them away before they pestered me". 

(II).What is Antonio's plan of getting rid of Alonso and Gonzalo? 

ANS: Antonio's plan of getting rid of Alonso and Gonzalo is by killing them. 

(III).According to Antonio how easily their plan can be carried out? Who would murder Alonso and who would get rid of Sir Prudence?

ANS: As indicated by Antonio their arrangement can be handily done as Alonso and Gonzalo were resting. Antonio will kill Alonso while Sebastian would kill Gonzalo(Sir Prudence).

(IV).What is said about Gonzalo in the extract? Why should he be murdered? 

ANS: It is said about Gonzalo that he can likewise be executed (given lasting rest) by Sebastian while Antonio slaughters Alonso. As per Antonio, Gonzalo ought to be killed with the goal that he doesn't remain against them later on.

(V).As per Antonio's plan, what would happen to the other courtiers? Why? 

ANS: According to Antonio's arrangement, different subjects will properly acknowledge their new rulers and would go with them.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage: 

(a) kibe: chilblain
 (b) steel:(here) sword 


ALONSO. Heard you this, Gonzalo?
GONZALO. Upon mine honor, sir, I heard a humming,
(And that a strange one too) which did awake me.
 I shak’d you, sir, and cried. As mine eyes open’d,
I saw their weapons drawn. There was a noise,
That’s verily. ’Tis best we stand upon our guard,
Or that we quit this place. Let’s draw our weapons.

(I).What sound did Gonzalo hear? Who produced the sound? Why? 

ANS: Gonzalo said that he heard a weird murmuring sound, which waked him up. The sound was created by Ariel. Ariel made the sound so that Gonzalo would wake up as Sebastian and Antonio were going to slaughter Alonso.

(II).What did Sebastian and Antonio say about the noise? Why? 

ANS: Sebastian and Antonio said that the commotion was a boisterous thunder that sounded as of lions. They said this as they have just attracted their blades to murder Alonso, as Gonzalo waked up they made a story that they heard a noisy lion's thunder.

(III).Why in reality were the weapons drawn? Why were they not used for the purpose for which they were drawn?

ANS: In actuality the weapons were attracted to murder Alonso and Gonzalo. They were not utilized for the reason for which they were drawn in light of the fact that, as they were going to murder Alonso, Ariel waked Gonzalo and afterward they needed to drop their arrangement.

(IV).Describe the role played by Ariel in the episode? 

ANS:  In this scene, Ariel quickly seems to stop the connivance against Alonso, by singing unusually in Gonzalo's ear and waking him, because of which Sebastian and Antonio needed to drop their arrangement to slaughter Alonso.

(V).What do Gonzalo and Alonso suggest to do at the end of the scene? 

ANS: Toward the finish of the scene, Alonso proposes that they should lead away from this region and quest for Ferdinand meanwhile. Alonso additionally says that, let us leave away this piece of the island, because of the dread of lions.

(VI).Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:

(a) verily: truly
 (b) quit: leave 

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